
My name is Traci and I am a former Child Abuse Investigator, Sexual Assault Services Coordinator & Youth Counselor. I hold degrees in both Child and Family Studies and Communications.

I became a work-at-home mom when my children were born but I never lost my passion for social services advocacy & prevention education projects.

While I believe my greatest role is motherhood, I am excited to continue developing Operation Innocents in my spare time.

Please don't hesitate to contact me at simplesahm@yahoo.com if you have any questions or content ideas.

I would also appreciate your links to my site and would be happy to post relevant links in return.

Thank you for visiting. Traci

Monday, January 15, 2007

My "Mommy Guilt" is Gone for a Moment

I made it a goal this weekend to place a big-hearty checkmark by 10 of my "to-do's". That meant, cleaning the closet...organizing several cupboards...posting items on Ebay...sorting old clothes...decluttering the kitchen...cleaning the fridge, and more....

Well, I can proudly say, "I did it!" Woo hoo! But at the expense of my two preschool-aged children. Okay, before you think I am a horrible mommy, I did get them involved in the tasks and we had fun with it. My daughter sprayed a bottle of water as she helped me clean the fridge and my son ran around with a soaking wet sponge.

But, I did feel a tiny bit of "mommy guilt" when I let them watch four hours of Saturday morning cartoons and eat fruity-cheerios in ziplock bags.

Tonight, I was finishing up a few of my New Year's decluttering resolutions when I looked online for an activity for my preschool daughter. I was absolutely THRILLED when I found this site! It offers several books read aloud by celebrities! Not that my kids know who they are...but *I* think it is pretty neat, nonetheless! Now, when I am having a Saturday morning "Mommy Guilt" prop the kids in front of the TV set - moment...I am going to allow a celebrity to read them a few books while I clean. While I personally think Sponge Bob is a hoot...I feel much better about online story-time!

Check it out, and let me know what you think!

BookPALS Storyline Online

1 comment:

Devra said...

Let me absolve your Mommy Guilt even more. Your fridge is now safe! You created a safe fridge!

Good for you and great for your kids! You did a wonderful act of motherhood by making their environment safer!

Now can you make my fridge safe?; )